Performance Improvement Plan Template

What is performance improvement plan?

It is a plan for all those people who want a real improvement in their performance. It provides a great opportunity to a working person to get succeeded in his career.

Why use the PIP?

The poor performance of the employee is very prominent, however; the reason for that poor performance is not easy to know. The employer is required to have an open dialogue with the employee and should try to know the reasons for his bad performance.

The employee should be asked several questions so his understanding of the expectations of the job can be known.

The employee should also be provided with all the resources and tools that are necessary to improve his performance. Performance improvement tool is the best tool that is used to find the root cause of the problem.

It can be known if it is the failure to understand the job expectations or the behavior related issues that are causing the employee to ruin his performance.

Benefits of PIP:

The PIP has been found to be very useful in generating the desired results. The PIP is also used because:

  1. It helps the person recognize the training gaps
  2. It also gives the information about the skills that are required by the person to achieve the targeted performance.
  3. The employee can take possible actions based on the results PIP gives. He can decide whether to terminate or promote the employee

Main components of the template:

The main parts are

  1. The information about employee
  2. Description of performance gaps
  3. Related dates
  4. Details about expected dates
  5. Information about current performance
  6. Description of consequences
  7. Overall performance details
  8. Necessary plan of action

How to create the PIP?

The PIP can be created easily if you know the necessary components to be added to it. Develop an action plan to be followed. After completely preparing the action plan, review it to check if it is practical.

Meet the employees and show them the plan you have prepared. Conclude the PIP at the end with your employees and take necessary actions to implement it.

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Performance improvement plan template


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