Breach of Contract Notice

The breach of contract notice is sent to someone to let them know that they are not acting on the agreed upon conditions and rules of the contract.

Sometimes, when the other party is not doing well with the contract, you are required to explain it to that party. A notice of breach of contract, as the name suggests is written to let the other party know that the contract is being breached that can lead to serious and negative consequences.

When to send the breach of contract notice:

This notice is sent when:

  1. You have signed a contract with a party and that party is not performing what was mentioned in the contract.
  2. You are running a company that works by monitoring the contracts and breach of contracts

Usually, all the terms and conditions are clearly mentioned in the contract which is why every party knows when it is breaching the contract. Writing this notice is just to remind the other party.

In case, you want to take some legal actions against the other party, the breach of contract notice will serve as a record that you remind your contract partner about the breach.

There are any terms and conditions that are mentioned in the contract. One of the important terms is to notify the other party when it is not performing. Writing the notice of breach of contract is enough to bring everything on track.

This notice may also save you from different types of disputes with your partner. Use of breach of contract notice can protect your legal rights with which you can move forward with confidence and trust.

Tips to write breach of contract notice:

The notice should clearly state the obligations that are not being fulfilled. If the project was to be completed on time, you can explain it in the notice. It is important to give the accurate details about everything. It should also be mentioned that what you want to do because of this breach. If you want to terminate the contract, mention it in the notice in clear words.

Breach of Contract Notice Sample Text

Date: [dd/mm/yyyy]

To: [mention the name of company who breach the contract]

Dear: [mention the name of individual]

Please find this notice in the reference to the described contract whose copy is attached along with this notice of breach of contract.

Kindly, be advised that as on _____________________, 20 _____, we, [mention your company name] are holding you in BREACH OF CONTRACT for the reasons which are given as below:

__________________________ [Reason no 1]

__________________________ [Reason no 2]

__________________________ [Reason no 3]

We are compelled to take further actions against you/ your company if you fail to correct the breach of contract within [X] days, effective from today.

The additional costs may be charged to you or we may find a substitute for availing the service rather than dealing with you. Your cooperation in correcting the breaching of the contract would be highly appreciated by our company.

Failure to do so will lead us to protect our rights by taking further steps in our company’s welfare. We made this order under the Uniform Commercial Code and any other laws applied. We reserve all our rights under this notice.


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Sample Template

MS Word Breach of Contract Notice Template


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