Salary Certificate to Whomsoever It May Concern

Salary Certificates

A salary certificate is such a professional document which provides the information about the employee such as designation, experience, salary and promotion details. This certificate is usually issued by the HR department of the company at the request of an employee. Basically, this letter forms the basis of the employee taxation. Since it is a certificate, it is signed and sealed by the director of the company.

The details about the net salary of the employee are also provided in the certificate. The net salary is basically the gross salary including allowances. While calculating gross salary, the deductions from the salary are also deducted from it.

This salary certificate is started with the name and a complete address of the company issuing it.

After the details of the organization, the details of the individual such as name, date of joining the company, designation net salary he is being paid and a lot more.

The letter should provide all the details of the employees that are needed by the specific department that has requested for the certificate. For example, if a bank requires the salary certificate of the employee to know how much money is he getting in his account, it is important to mention the salary details of the employee and the source of that salary.

Write this certificate in a professional way by keeping the certificate formal and keeping the text completely concise and brief. Make sure that all the unnecessary details have been avoided so that one-page salary certificate can be prepared. It is important to go through the entire certificate to see if you need any editing.

The salary certificate to whomsoever it may concern is written to the person you don’t know. The comma should be used after the salutation.

Certificate Statement -1

This is to certify that Mr. [Name Here] is working with us for 10 years. Now he has been promoted to the post of general manager in our main branch.

His total salary is $[AMOUNT] Annual/Per month including fixed allowances.

This certificate is being issued at the request of the employee.

Certificate Statement -2

Date: [dd/mm/yyyy]

To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that Mr. /Miss/Ms. [Name] employee ID [Number] is working with our reputed company as a [Designation]. He/she has been working with us since [Date] and proved to be a very dedicated resource who has been very loyal to the company.

We are issuing this letter on the request of our employee and do not hold any liability on behalf of this letter or part of this letter on our company.


[Company Name]
[Company Signature]

Certificate Statement -3

It is to certify that Mr./Miss/Mrs. [Name Here] is an employee of our reputed organization as an [Employee Position]. We find him/her committed to his/her work.

We issue this letter upon the request of [Employee Name] serving in our organization.

Sample Template

Salary Certificate Template


Employee Salary Certificate Template


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