Pre Conference Summary Template

Summarizing everything before the conference is very important to make the conference smooth. You may have plenty of details to be discussed in the meeting regarding the project you are going to work on such as activities of the project, actions to be taken, who will be responsible for the actions and a lot more.

What is pre-conference summary?

All those points that are required to be discussed in the conference are noted so that none of them is ignored. These points are summarized to reach a goal of the conference. The pre-conference summaries are used to keep everyone in the conference on the same page.

How to create the pre-conference summary?

Preparing the summary before the conference is usually done by one person. The in charge of the conference assigns this task to someone. The transparency, as well as the accuracy of the summary, is required

Before the conference is started, it is your responsibility to know the points to be discussed in the meeting. You can consult other important members of the conference to know what they are going to discuss.

The main objective of meeting other members is to know the agenda of the conference. Knowing the agenda makes it easier for you to prepare the pre-conference summary.

With the help of agenda, the meeting minutes can also be prepared after the meeting. The summary is usually a small document which includes every detail precisely.

Make sure that you have also added everything to in a concise manner. It should also be ensured that the summary has included all the points to be discussed.

The summary includes the names of participants, the items of the agenda, the main points of the conference to be discussed, future decisions to be taken in the conference, the most important part of the conference, due dates and a lot more.

Pre-conference summary template:

If you don’t have enough time to prepare the pre-conference summary, you can get a readymade template for yourself. This template enables you to save your time by simply details in it and print it.


Pre conference summary template


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