Shift Change Request Form

Everybody’s life is subjected to different problems. You may be working in a company on a regular shift daily. If due to any reason, you are not able to work during those working hours, you can ask the company to change your working hours.

For this, you will also be required to find a person who will be willing to exchange his shift with you. In some companies, finding the person for with whom the shift can be interchanged is done by the company.

When you have decided to request for a change in shift, the company will provide you to fill a form which is known as the shift change request form. Anyone working on regular shift may get into the need to request a change in shift.

The reason for requesting to change your shift maybe personal or work-related. This form is received and evaluated by human resources manager and then he decides whether to approve your request or not.

Elements of shift change request form

  1. The name of the person requesting for the change
  2. Dates on which the person cannot work
  3. Name of the person who is ready to work on your shift
  4. Consent of requesting person
  5. Signatures of the person requesting
  6. Name and other details of the person agree to work on your previous schedule
  7. Signatures of that person

There are three options at the end what the HR manager to choose from. If he decides to approve the request he will check the approve box otherwise the Denied box. The reason for not accepting no denying the request should also be stated on the form.

This form has three basic parts

  1. The first part is for the person who is requested for the change in shift
  2. Information of the person who is willing to work on the timings of the requesting person
  3. The third part is for the manager who has the right to deny or accept the request

This form becomes an important part of the documentation of employee.


Shift change request form

Format: MS Word | Download

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