Professional Business Letters

Business letter

A business letter is a letter from one company to another, to its clients, employees or to any other stakeholders. The formatting or a pattern of such a letter depends mainly on the relationship between the two concerned parties. For writing a business letter, there is a few etiquette that is supposed to be adopted. Failure in observing these etiquettes can result in a lack of interest among the parties or even the catastrophe among their relations. By adopting a few techniques, one can compile a worthy business letter that can lead to favorable business perspectives. Here are a few things that must be adopted in the letter.

Addressing the letter

For a person, his name matters a lot, so while writing a letter make it a habit to double check while stating the recipient’s name. Though it is a simple task yet many individuals commit mistakes of such kind. Instead of using salutations like Dear Sir/Ma’am etc. State the name or title of the concerned person.


Mark the letter according to its importance. If you want that your letter is read only by the stated person then marking it with words like “Private”, “Personal” and “Strictly Confidential” would add a lot. Letters marked with the words of such kind often remain interception-free from secretaries, PA’s etc.

Style of Letter

A business letter must be written with a clear and consistent approach the letter becomes more worthy if added with courtesy. Consider it a rule of thumb to keep all the business letters in a formal style. It does not create any difference that the receiver does familiar with you or not, always adopt a firm and formal way.


From a business etiquette perspective, it is always advisable to avoid humor in business statements. There are several reasons for this act like if a letter is read during a crisis or some bad incident, then it could lead to adverse effects on the receiver. Besides these words that create humor are more likely to be misinterpreted or a letter may be read by a third party who can consider humor inappropriate and can complain the cause.


It is good perception to respond a letter during the appropriate time. Mostly, five working days are considered to be appropriate. However, if a certain crisis occurs or you cannot respond the letter immediately, then the acknowledgment must be sent by fax, phone or via email.

Dealing with conflicts

Usually, the letters are written on the circumstance where a conflict arises or a matter of dispute occurs. In order to deal with the very condition, you must clearly state your case to the concerned person and indicate the time scale till when you want to be heard by them.

Adopting a few measures mentioned above would surely enhance your business and managerial skills, though it isn’t a rule of thumb, but it is advisable to adopt a few measures like that.

Business letter
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