Professional Business Letters


The term actually refers to written communication; a business letter is a letter that is sent from one organization to another or to other external parties, the customers, and clients. The business letter is a written agreement that ends up with the signature that says agreed. Although technology has changed it all, these letters are now sent through mails and couriers also.

  • Bid Acceptance Letter   

Bid Acceptance LetterWhen a company needs to get the best product for the best price, then they may look for a variety of bids from different people. A bid acceptance letter is written to the supplier for letting them know that they have been chosen and the writing style of the company is quite important as it represents the company.

Format and Content of the bid acceptance letter:
For an effective and professional bid acceptance letter, the letter must start from the company’s official letterhead. It should be about three paragraphs. Start with a simple statement explaining that you have accepted their bid. Provide all the details properly along with the contact information.



  • Letter of Termination Due to Poor Performance

Letter of termination due to poor performanceDuring the hiring process, the performance metrics are outlined very clearly and if the person does not achieve the goals then warnings are given to the employee. After receiving your third written warning, the termination letter is issued to the employer for performing poorly. In the warning letter, the date of the warnings and when they are given to employer are mentioned. When the employer has been terminated, the laptops or company-issued computers are taken back and the employer is asked to pay if the laptop or the computers have been repaired or exchanged.




  • Letter of Apology for Poor Service

letter of apology for poor serviceA person who fails to live up to productivity expectations and give its best to the company is provided with this. No matter how careful and detailed the selection process of the employees can be but if the employee has no desire to work then he/she can slip through the cracks. A termination letter is a proper way to end up this relationship.
The Format and the Content of the poor apology letter are as follows:
A termination letter should be drafted quite carefully, especially when it is issued for poor performance. Mention only the examples with the solid proof, language should be straightforward and clear wording should be used that leaves no room for doubt. The letter must contain the date of the termination and all information about the paycheck of the employee.


  • Order Cancelling Letter

 order canceling letterCancelling a purchase order is not any unique thing; the best way to get this task done is by a phone call as for when the calling process is done it will quickly stop the order from being processed. However, the main reason for cancelling is, If the person decides that they cannot afford or do not need the products they can cancel the order. Customers are free to cancel the orders; the letter of cancellation should be short and firm but must contain all the required information.

The following information is mentioned:

  • The name of customers and date on which the order was placed by the customers
  • The order number of the items that are cancelled
  • A list of items not being cancelled (if they are on the same purchase order)
  • The size, color, quantity and the inventory number of the items are cancelled



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