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Party Ticket Templates

Whether you have arranged a party or any special event that requires the sales of tickets, the

Payment Demand Notice Template

What is payment demand notice? A demand notice is a legal document which is sent by

Notice to Tenant to Make Repairs

Importance of the notice There are many responsibilities of a landlord related to the leased premises.

Layoff Notice Template

Layoff notice is written by the employer when he decides to lay off the employee. The

Notice to Redirect Payment

What is redirecting the payment? Redirection of payment is a process in which the customers, as

Notice to Reclaim Goods

Selling and purchasing of goods are one of the most important processes that take place in

Notice to Cancel Back Ordered Goods

Back Order If you are running a business, you will be in need to get the

Letter of Intent for Business

Businesses have three basic types. These are the sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. There are other

Stock Subscription Letter

The process of buying and selling goods or services is trading. When the goods are kept

Letter of Intent for Promotion

In professional life, it is a dream for all employees to achieve more and more. If

Debt Acknowledgment Letter

Since ages, it is a belief that people always find ease in all means of life.

Letter of Intent to Purchase

Buying and selling need great attention in terms of both the buyer and the seller. It

Correction Letters

What is the most favorite sport for people these days? We can say nitpicking. Yes, it

Congratulation Letters

Did we ever think how important our words are? Do we ever pay heed to how

Appreciation Letters

I still remember preparing my first presentation and sharing it with my team. After the presentation,

Performance Improvement Plan Template

What is performance improvement plan? It is a plan for all those people who want a

Project Change Authorization Form

What is project change authorization form? It is the form which is used to get the

Goal Completion Comment Sheet

A well-written goals plan can have a very positive impact on your performance. Every goal plan

Pre Conference Summary Template

Summarizing everything before the conference is very important to make the conference smooth. You may have

Medical Consent Forms

Medical consent form When you want someone to look after your child, parents or anyone who