Dog Sale Receipt

Pet animals are generally loved by everyone, a dog is one of those animals which are liked by people. Some keep them because of safety others they love the animal. To have pet animal is not easy. You do not bring a street dog and keep him as a pet in your house as many risk factors are associated with it. You and your family might catch germs or the dog might bite someone hard.

A general rule of thumb is either you buy the pet animal from someone you know or get it from a pet shop. Here’s a difference, buying the pet from anyone close will certainly not involve any receipt for the sale but buying it from a shop would certainly as you are buying it from a totally an unknown source.

One does not easily get the pet which is thought of. You need to search a lot for the most suited one. Many factors need to be considered here which are only possible when you are getting the receipt for the payment made.

The buyer and seller negotiate with each other on certain terms and conditions and make the purchase done when mutually agreed upon them. Here is a list of things you need to consider when buying a pet dog:

  1. Color: You have already decided in the back end of your mind that which dog color you want but having a clear vision of it will help.
  2. Race: Which race dog will you prefer will be up to you?
  3. Size: You need to think that which sizes animal do you want. Big sizes or relatively a normal one will do or a small one.
  4. Price: you may even need to search for different prices at which pet dogs are bought and then conclude in your mind the price you will afford to give.
  5. Vaccinations: Animals like humans are also vaccinated as to avoid any germ attack or even worse situations. Always buy a dog who has been regularly vaccinated by an authorized person. View the vaccination record and verify it.

Once you have decided for every detail now you are ready to go to the shop. On the go to purchasing you need to get a receipt for your payment made. This particular receipt which is given by the seller to the buyer on the purchase of any goods or services as known as the Sales Receipt. Once you get the dog you will get the sales receipt too. It will include the following:

  1. Present date
  2. Name of pet shop
  3. Receipt Number
  4. Customer name
  5. Full address of sellers shops with contact details.
  6. Mobile number of the buyer.
  7. Total payment made.
  8. Dogs color, race and gender.(any name if given)
  9. Vaccination record attached.

Having the sales receipt will be proof of the payment made by you. If the seller by any means has forged you by conveying wrong information you can thereby claim for it. Having proper receipts is safer than verbal agreements.


Dog sale receipt

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